Tanzania has an Estimate number of 61,741,120 Million people according to the National Census 0f 2022, with 59,851,447 people allocated in Tanzania Mainland and 1889,773 allocated in Zanzibar.
The same 2022 census report indicated that Tanzania has in total 14,348,372 house units, a number which is not sufficient compared to the general population.
According to Un Habitat Organization, Tanzania needs at least 3 million new houses annually, while the current supply is 200,000 houses only. Out of this housing deficit, The housing deficit in urban Tanzania alone is estimated to be 1.2 million units, of which 36 percent are in the Eastern city of Dar es Salaam as elaborated by Habitat for Humanity in Tanzania, an International organization committed to improve shelter and housing in Tanzania www.habitat.org.
Moreover, the income levels of most households in Tanzania are quite low; 90 percent of the population can afford less than $45 on housing per month and 68 percent can afford less than $23 (Housing Market Study, Tanzania, 2012). Financing, though relatively increasing, is not affordable to most households. It is estimated that only 3 percent of the population can afford a mortgage.
With this new development, it is obvious the Housing Market in Tanzania is really hot and the demand for affordable housing is very high.
While the Government through National Housing Corporation has embarked in Several project all over the country, it is important also for other entrepreneurs ,investors and organizations to step into this matter and dives into it to improve the situation as the Government alone can not fulfill the need.
As a Real Estate and Property Stakeholder what do you think needs to be done?
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